Kate Is Too Nice And I'm Sick Of It

Top suit Hank's #Merchapalooza is coming to a close

Our beloved Kathryn made it to the Final Five. This is not surprising because she's competitive as all get out and honestly I'm not sure she knows any bounds when it comes to trying to win. She once tried to physically kick me out of a moving car when we were racing. Her tactics thus far in #Merchapolooza have been equally ruthless:

However, what is not great is how she told us last week on ZERO BLOG THIRTY that she plans on donating a big chunk to charity. Now don't get me wrong - we all know the squad and Barstool loves to throw our weight behind good causes 

but hey Kate you know who else could use $25k? YOU! You have a toddler. You have bills to pay. You have terrible food choices to make. It's okay to not give all of your potential winnings away! 

We thought we got through to her but then on today's ZBT when discussing Fat Leonard who scammed the US Navy out of $40+ Million dollars (lol navy) I asked Kate how much she would scam the Navy for if she had to. Her answer? "Probably like fifteen thousand." 

Unreal. She has no idea how to spend winnings and no idea how much to scam the government for and in this economy no less! I guess what I'm trying to say is PROMO CODE KATE at the Barstool Sports store for 10% off and ensure Kate comes home with the winnings that she will likely just give away but at least she'll have bragging rights and I guess that's cool. 

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